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Harnessing Influence To Market a Bestselling Book w WU Expert Robert Clancy
The Wellness Universe
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Harnessing Influence To Market a Bestselling Book: How to effectively utilize influencers to...create a #1 bestseller!
Imagine this...your book is promoted to bestseller status by like-minded influential people across each of their individual social media accounts, blogs and newsletters.
Robert Clancy, co-founder of Spiral Design Studio will provide insights in influencer marketing, crowdspeaking, book campaign planning and social media best practices.
Learn how to create an effective social marketing campaign using the new platform SpiralShare to push your book into bestseller status.
* Best practices for social media for promoting a book
* Harnessing the social power of influencers
* What is "crowdspeaking"
* How to build an effective book landing page
Free Gift Just for Registering! Robert will send you his 'Top 5 Tips To Writing Better Social Media Posts'
Live Class Contest: One LIVE attendee will win a one year subscription to SpiralShare (TM) Pro (a $200 value)
Robert is a creative visionary, television host, producer, #1 bestselling author, and spiritual teacher. In 2012, he created the Robert Clancy Guide to the Soul Facebook fan page, where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by over 700,000 people worldwide. He is a sought after speaker, presenter and guest. He is co-host and producer of The Mindset Reset television show, which hosts guests such as Dr. Joe Vitale, star of the hit movie, The Secret, Hollywood Actress Dee Wallace, bestselling author, Arielle Ford, Actor/Director, Kevin Sorbo and more.
Robert is also a regular contributor and weekly guest on Los Angeles KABC Radio's syndicated Late Night Health Radio show. His latest book Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope and Happiness released October 2017 quickly became a #1 international bestseller.
Robert recently completed his filming of an episode for the 2018 season of the Emmy Award winning Dr. Nandi Show which reaches over 300 million people on major cable and satellite television networks such as Discovery and ABC.
Connect with Robert on The Wellness Universe: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/robertclancy/
Imagine this...your book is promoted to bestseller status by like-minded influential people across each of their individual social media accounts, blogs and newsletters.
Robert Clancy, co-founder of Spiral Design Studio will provide insights in influencer marketing, crowdspeaking, book campaign planning and social media best practices.
Learn how to create an effective social marketing campaign using the new platform SpiralShare to push your book into bestseller status.
* Best practices for social media for promoting a book
* Harnessing the social power of influencers
* What is "crowdspeaking"
* How to build an effective book landing page
Free Gift Just for Registering! Robert will send you his 'Top 5 Tips To Writing Better Social Media Posts'
Live Class Contest: One LIVE attendee will win a one year subscription to SpiralShare (TM) Pro (a $200 value)
Robert is a creative visionary, television host, producer, #1 bestselling author, and spiritual teacher. In 2012, he created the Robert Clancy Guide to the Soul Facebook fan page, where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by over 700,000 people worldwide. He is a sought after speaker, presenter and guest. He is co-host and producer of The Mindset Reset television show, which hosts guests such as Dr. Joe Vitale, star of the hit movie, The Secret, Hollywood Actress Dee Wallace, bestselling author, Arielle Ford, Actor/Director, Kevin Sorbo and more.
Robert is also a regular contributor and weekly guest on Los Angeles KABC Radio's syndicated Late Night Health Radio show. His latest book Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope and Happiness released October 2017 quickly became a #1 international bestseller.
Robert recently completed his filming of an episode for the 2018 season of the Emmy Award winning Dr. Nandi Show which reaches over 300 million people on major cable and satellite television networks such as Discovery and ABC.
Connect with Robert on The Wellness Universe: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/robertclancy/

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