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Edward Francis Pio

- 192کل سیکھنے والے
- 18کل سیشنز
- May 7, 2016کے بعد سے فعال
- Pacific Grove, United Statesمقام
ایک سفارش چھوڑنے کے لیے لاگ ان کریں۔
Edward Francis Pio is a resident of Pacific Grove, California. He is the founder and Executive Director of the International Mind Body Institute. Mr. Pio has fifty-six years' experience teaching medical hypnosis, medical self-hypnosis, light, and deep meditation, the Theta Brain Wave Technique, and Yoga Nidra Deep Meditation to professionals, business organizations, and private groups. Over sixty thousand students have taken his webinars, live or home study courses worldwide -- including 760 men in Soledad Prison, located in Central California.
Mr. Pio has lectured and taught extensively...
تجربہ اور امتیازات
Mr. Pio is a pioneer in brain training, with over fifty years' experience teaching medical hypnosis, self-hypnosis, The Science of Meditation--Theta Brain Wave Technique, and Yoga Nidra Deep Meditation to professionals, business organizations, and private groups. Over forty thousand students have taken his live or home study courses worldwide -- including 760 men in Soledad Prison, located in Central California. Mr. Pio has lectured and taught extensively on cruise ships and to select groups in Canada, Mexico, China and Russia.